Ecosystem Challenges

Animal preservation and biodiversity are essential to maintaining Earth's atmospheric conditions. The WILD Platform is part of a broader vision for preserving biodiversity through animal identification and maintenance. Looking at the broader ecosystem challenges gives us a better understanding of why animal preservation is critical to society's future. We believe that biodiversity, food security, economic impact, social value, and climate regulation are all measurable byproducts of animal preservation through technological advances.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services:

Pollination: Approximately 75% of the world's flowering plants and about 35% of the world's food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce. These include more than 3,000 species of plants that humans use for food and many others for spices, beverages, and medicines. Without animal pollinators, many of these plants would fail to reproduce, leading to drastic reductions in crop yields and the foods available for human consumption.[4] [5]

Nutrient Cycling: Animals are critical in cycling nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Earthworms, for instance, help enhance soil fertility by breaking down organic matter. Estimates suggest that worms can process around 10 tons of soil in one acre of land to improve nutrient cycling.

Technologies such as AV-AI have the potential to transform biodiversity efforts by helping researchers and agricultural workers identify and track animal pollinators to manage and measure pollination sustainability efforts. Such advancements may also help determine the optimal mix of nutrient cyclers for a given environment.

Food Security, Traceability, and Economic Impact

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that fisheries and aquaculture assure the livelihoods of 10-12% of the world's population, and over 50% of the world's poor people rely directly or indirectly on agriculture, including animal husbandry, for their livelihoods.

Livestock alone provides food that contains essential nutrients not easily obtained from plant-based sources. For example, livestock accounts for about 15% of total food energy and 25% of dietary protein consumption globally.[6]

The livestock sector contributes up to 40% of the global value of agricultural output and supports the livelihoods and food security of almost 1.3 billion people. In many developing countries, livestock can account for between 20 to 40% of agricultural GDP.[7]

Pesticides, hormones, and the well-being of agricultural products are a growing concern among consumers. Consumers have little to no information about the history, medical treatments, and living conditions of the animal products served at the dinner table.

ADIDs are a noninvasive method of identification that can help farmers, livestock professionals, and researchers identify specific animals without harm or endangerment. They are stored on the blockchain and tied to information relating to the subject animal, which can provide greater visibility into food sources and consumer products, allowing consumers greater control over what they consume.

Cultural and Social Value:

Animals are deeply ingrained in many cultures as symbols of strength, fertility, and beauty. They also play key roles in religious ceremonies and community traditions worldwide. Pets, particularly dogs and cats, serve as companions and family members, contributing to mental health and well-being. Studies have shown that interacting with animals can decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure.[8]

We believe the WILD Platform can improve the pet ownership experience by allowing owners greater control over their pets' well-being. The WILD dApp enables caregivers to upload data such as pet medical records so that owners can always access information necessary to validate vaccinations, ailments, and proof of ownership.

The WILD dApp will provide pet owners with educational training material, healthy habit tracking, and the ability to share information about their pets for social engagement. We hope to increase pet adoption, ownership, and social engagement, leading to a better quality of life for pets and their people.

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